



Know if your Trademark is safe to apply for, don't waste your time and money. Marqby will do the work for you.

Know if your Trademark is safe to apply for,

don't waste your time and money.

Marqby will do the work for you.



Know if your Trademark is safe to apply for,

don't waste your time and money.

Marqby will do the work for you.



Know if your Trademark is safe to apply for, don't waste your time and money. Marqby will do the work for you.

Apply For Your Trademark With Confidence

Creating a trademark requires intense effort and investment. Identifying the risks of your trademark in advance allows you to apply with confidence. Get your free trademark similarity report with Marqby: country and sector-based, fast and effective.

Apply For Your Trademark With Confidence

Creating a trademark requires intense effort and investment. Identifying the risks of your trademark in advance allows you to apply with confidence. Get your free trademark similarity report with Marqby: country and sector-based, fast and effective.

Apply For Your Trademark With Confidence

Creating a trademark requires intense effort and investment. Identifying the risks of your trademark in advance allows you to apply with confidence. Get your free trademark similarity report with Marqby: country and sector-based, fast and effective.

Apply For Your Trademark With Confidence

Creating a trademark requires intense effort and investment. Identifying the risks of your trademark in advance allows you to apply with confidence. Get your free trademark similarity report with Marqby: country and sector-based, fast and effective.

Fast and efficient

Search for trademarks similar to your logo or word. Get your search report lightning fast. Free.

Available in
49 countries

Marqby is compatible with 49 countries. Performs a detailed search in the target country.

Private & Personal

Search in detail about your products and services related to your trademark and your sector.

Risk and
Similarity Analysis

Check the similarity of your trademark, see the risks and probability of registration success.

Global Reach

Search for similar versions of your trademark in up to 46 countries. File your trademark application safely in the selected country.

Global Reach

Search for similar versions of your trademark in up to 46 countries. File your trademark application safely in the selected country.

Lightning-Fast Clarity

Get your research report in the selected country with automation-based search: with 46 country options.

Lightning-Fast Clarity

Get your research report in the selected country with automation-based search: with 46 country options.

Discreet & In-Depth

Your vision deserves privacy. Dive deep into the specifics of your sector with searches that stay under the radar.

Discreet & In-Depth

Your vision deserves privacy. Dive deep into the specifics of your sector with searches that stay under the radar.

Strategic Insight

Don't just search; strategize. With our risk-based similarity analysis, have the foresight to navigate the trademark with its scope.

Strategic Insight

Don't just search; strategize. With our risk-based similarity analysis, have the foresight to navigate the trademark with its scope.

Your Journey Starts Here 🚀

First, choose the Trademark Type you need!

Logo Trademark

Logo featuring textual elements.

Figurative Trademark

Brand's visual elements excluding any text.


Word Trademark

Name of the brand or its catchphrase.

Your Journey Starts Here 🚀

First, choose the Trademark

Type you need!

Logo Trademark

Logo featuring textual elements.

Figurative Trademark

Brand's visual elements excluding any text.


Word Trademark

Name of the brand or its catchphrase.

Your Journey Starts Here 🚀

First, choose the Trademark

Type you need!

Logo Trademark

Logo featuring textual elements.

Figurative Trademark

Brand's visual elements excluding any text.


Word Trademark

Name of the brand or its catchphrase.

Your Journey Starts Here 🚀

First, choose the Trademark

Type you need!

Logo Trademark

Logo featuring textual elements.

Figurative Trademark

Brand's visual elements excluding any text.


Word Trademark

Name of the brand or its catchphrase.